It's one of those times when I feel like doing/reading some useless stuff just to relax. And one of my top lists of easy reading is horoscope. Of course, as a Muslim, I do not believe in it. I read it just for fun.
Anyway, I saw one of my friends used this one application on facebook, called "Love Zodiac Profile." I was sleepy and tired, so like, what the hell, I clicked on it. Then I clicked on Aries. This is what I got.
Statements in large font are the things that I think are true, small font are the things that I think are inaccurate, and medium font are the things that I don't know its accuracy. The smaller the font is, the more inaccurate I think the statement is and vice versa.
Owh, statements in italic mean "wth??"
So here goes...
If you are Aries:
You are very romantic. You do not hold back your feelings and are very expressive in love and romance. You are very charming and amiable. In any social gathering, the opposite sex is attracted towards you. The opposite sex likes you because of your good looks and sociable nature. Since you attract so much attention from the opposite sex, your steady partner may feel jealous and possessive about you. But you are faithful to your partner. You are a very spontaneous lover. Your partner loves your little ideas of love and romance. You are a dynamic lover and wear the pants in your relationships.
Your kissing style:
You are a fantastic kisser. Your kisses are unforgettable.
To attract you, the opposite sex must be:
passionate, very active, not very sensitive, effervescent, etc.
You are more compatible with - Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius
You are less compatible with - Cancer, Gemini, Pisces, Virgo
Sekian my crap for today. Till my next hopefully-more-useful entry.
today I turn 35
5 years ago
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