Finally, no one should face any problem in leaving me a comment anymore. My boyfriend has solved everything up. Apparently he had to add the scroll function in the coding. Tell you I would not be able to do this alone. Heheh.
Feel free to leave me a comment, as it is always good to know that I don't write only for myself. Comments always cheer me up, and make me excited. Hehe.
Anyway, if you still facing a problem, do tell me by sending me a message at I will try to fix it as soon as possible.
Till my next post, take care, everyone! :)
today I turn 35
5 years ago
Perghhh... entry macam blogger terkenal... macam banyak komen akan masuk...
Love that parallax effect on the header. And great choice for choosing my fav js library. Ain't it cool.
I noticed the header a bit of when viewing using FF but the effect turn out quite nice in IE (at least on my IE8).
-silent reader-
K.z: Alaa...perasan terkenal sekali-sekala apa salahnya. And mane tau in a couple of years akan ade beribu2 org bace blog sy yg comel ni. Sy ade beli buku untuk freelance writer tau. Jangan taktau...hahahaha
Zaiman: Owh, header off ke bile gune FF? Aku gune cam okay je. Depends on monitor's width kot. Anyway, all the settings that you see on this website are Ajoy's work. So all the compliments will be directed to him. Hehe.
nak gaklah beli buku freelance writer lah mcm ni... haha
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