I went to see the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and International) this morning. I was late 10 minutes for our appointment (erk?!). Thank God she was cool with it. I felt bad though. Huhu
Anyway, she said to deal with the officer in charge (yes, the one who's on leave for a week). She said the money is with the university now; they only need approval with MOHE. That means I can ignore about the MOHE-won't-sponsor-oversea-master-studies part. And when I told her that I was worried about having to pay the deposit before the dateline and that the dateline is kinda near, she said there's enough time. That made me relieved a little bit. Alhamdulillah.
It sounds quite promising, isn't it? But still, I cannot sit back and do nothing, since everthing is not confirmed yet. So the plan is the same, still--loan from bank (pay them back right away if I end up not using the money), while at the same time apply for all scholarships available.
Bismillahitawakkaltu'alAllah. Amiiin..
p/s: I am going to fill in necessary forms after lunch. Heck, the forms will take a whole day to be filled. (O_o)~
today I turn 35
5 years ago
Pushie, I have been following your recent updates.
Firstly congrats for the offer (when did u apply to ANU?)
Second, good luck in getting a scholarship.
Keep us posted, I'd really like to know all the updates about your journey to grad school
Third, I can't see why there's any reason for your family not to let you get married a.s.a.p
thanks! :D hehe. doakanla aku kawin cepat :P
owh btw, aku apply ANU 1st october ari tu. gi IDP..boleh waive application fee :P
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